YYC Wonderland Christmas Festival + YYC Foodies Festival
Friday – November 22 (move-in)
Saturday – November 23
Sunday – November 24
7 Chiefs Sportsplex – Chief Jim Starlight Centre
19 Bullhead Road, Tsuut’ina Nation Calgary / Priddis, AB
Saturday, November 23 — 11:00am to 7:00pm
Sunday, November 24 — 10:00am to 5:00pm
Visit the following link to book your insurance through DUUO:
***If you are using your own insurance provider, please ensure that you:
1) Are covered for Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for personal injury and/or property damage
2) Include the following as ADDITIONALLY INSURED on your event policy:
— Opulence Alliance Events – Box 111A 2106 33 Avenue SW, Calgary Alberta T2T 1Z0
— Jim Starlight Center / 7 Chiefs Sportsplex — 19 Bullhead Road, Tsuut’ina Nation, AB, T3T 0A6
— City of Calgary
Your booth number has changed!
Your original booth number has changed. Upon arrival for move-in, make sure YOU REGISTER FIRST before looking for your booth! Our “Exhibitor Registration” is located by the bay doors (see map)
Move-In Option 1) FRIDAY, Nov 22 – Arrive between 2:00pm and 6:30pm
Move-In Option 2) SATURDAY, Nov 23 – Arrive between 7:00am and 10:00am
*Exhibitors CANNOT load-in through the front main entrance of the venue (see map below)
*Move-in access is only available through the north bay door or the west exit doors (see map below)
STEP 1) SEE MAP below —- print a copy so you have it on file!!
STEP 2) When you arrive at the “loading bay” at the NORTH end of the building – stop in at our Exhibitor Registration booth (located by the bay door) to:
a) Receive your NEW BOOTH NUMBER – as all booth numbers have changed! Make sure you REGISTER FIRST so you don’t mistakenly set up in another exhibitors stall and have to move everything once they arrive!
b) Receive your exhibitor pass(s)
STEP 3) Once registered, you will receive direction to your booth location. NOTE AGAIN: Booth numbers have changed! Register first!
STEP 4) MOVE YOUR VEHICLE! There are over 100+ exhibitors attempting to move-in —- unload all your items at your booth and then promptly MOVE YOUR VEHICLE away from the loading bay or exit doors to the “exhibitor parking” in the west gravel lot to allow other exhibitors to access – see map below.
AGAIN —- DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE for extended periods of time in front of the bay doors or exits! Other exhibitors will need access!
** NOTE: Vendors have NO access to the FRONT ENTRANCE of the building during move-in. Use the north bay door or the west exit doors (see map below)
Exhibitors may access the facility to pre-prep in the mornings before doors open to the public:
– SAT, Nov 23th – North bay door and west exits will be open at 7:00am
– SUN, Nov 24th – Door beside the north bay door and west exits will be open at 9:00am
*Exhibitors CANNOT enter through the front main entrance! Use the correct doors and park in the exhibitor parking only!!!
INCLUDES: (Refer to your original application to determine the booth size your booked)
ONSITE FOOD SERVICE: 15′ wide x 10′ deep
SEASONED RETAILER: 10′ wide x 10′ deep
INTERMEDIATE RETAILER: 10′ wide x 6′ deep
– All booths are pipe/draped with BLACK draping
– Corner booths have two side walls
– Inline booths have three side walls
DOES NOT INCLUDE: Read this twice!!!
– NO furnishings —- as clearly described on your original application your booth is empty upon arrival
*YOU SUPPLY all your own display surfaces, display units, and other decor items!
*For those who ordered tables and chairs from through us directly – your rentals will be located in your booths upon arrival. Global Show Services will also be onsite should you need to rent last-minute tables, but remember that their rental rate is higher than buying your own – ouch!
– NO electricity (unless you booked in advance with your initial application). Those who rented electricity, bring extension cords/power bars
– NO Dollies or CARTS —- bring your own! Bring your own! Bring your own! There are no dollies or carts available
TIP: Table linens that cover to the floor are essentials! When visitors see a messy booth exposing storage containers and other debris — they just keep walking on by. VISUAL IMPACT = MORE SALES!
Although our show management and the 7 Chiefs Sportsplex personnel will ensure the facility is locked Friday and Saturday evening, theft can happen from cleaning staff, other exhibitors, etc
Make sure you do not leave any electronics, cash or other tempting valuables — and bring extra draping to cover your products and/or close off your booth entrance
Your booth number has changed!
Your original booth number may have changed. Upon arrival for set up, make sure YOU REGISTER FIRST before looking for your booth! Our “Exhibitor Registration” is located by the bay doors.
If you have staff arriving throughout show hours, please inform them to enter through the main doors (visitor entrance). They must register to receive their “exhibitor pass” at our “Visitor Registration” booth
Doors to public close at 5:00pm on Sunday, Nov 24 — and not a minute earlier!…
READ THE ABOVE AGAIN —- and choose not to be the jerk that disrupts the show! We expect all exhibitors to conduct themselves professionally by being courteous of our happy shoppers and respectful of surrounding exhibitors.
The above commitment has concequences if conducted – VISIT HERE to refresh your memory on why.
WIFI CODE —- Best to use your own data as the signal is not so great!
Wireless Name: EVENT
Wireless P/W: Events2023
There will be 9 restaurants serving up eats during show hours at the north end of the buidling
There are ATM’s onsite located in the main foyer of the building
Though cash is king not very many consumers carry cash on hand so be sure to have your POS systems charged so you don’t lose sales!
All vendors are responsible for removing their garbage during show hours and during move-in and move-out. Any debris left after you move out will be reported as littering pending a fine from the Tsuut’ina Nation
And just so we are all on the same page —- let’s have a quick chat about cancellations just because this seems to be not taken seriously. As you are fully aware – there are no refunds whatsoever. For reference, VISIT HERE to refresh on the binding contract terms you agreed upon to when applying
Opulence Alliance Events is only available VIA PHONE ONLY at 403 608-3710 —– again VIA PHONE ONLY! We will not address any emails during the week of the event – CALL!
We are available to take calls:
— Monday, Nov 18th through Thursday, Nov 21st from 9am to 7pm
— Friday, Nov 22 – available ONLY from 9:00am to 2:00pm – after 2:00pm, expect delays as we are setting up
A huge thank you to all for working hard to make this premier event a success!
See you soon!
YYC Wonderland Christmas Festival
YYC Foodies Festival